
I am obsessed with the ideas & impact of technology on industries, society, and morality. In simple English, I will write about philosophy, technology, business, arts & culture.  

My goal is to pass on some of my learnings, musings, and current interests in an effort to get you thinking and changing your perspective. Ultimately if this work can support even a single person’s path to wisdom my work would have achieved its full purpose. 

What is wisdom? 

According to a lawyer I met at a meditation retreat it is the ability to look at a situation from multiple perspectives – perspectives being defined as a different set of eyes. 

To follow the rabbit hole deeper – where does the ability to look at a condition from multiple perspectives come from? S.N. Goenka said through: 

  1. Content (books, people, etc.) 
  2. Intellect/intuition
  3. Experience 

Here you will develop it through content but the other two buckets are not meant to be shunned. 

It is wisdom which is seeking for wisdom

Zen Mind, Beginners Mind (P. 19)

Rules of Engagement

  • These are my current thoughts. The world & society evolve and so does my thinking. 
  • I am a self-identified “conservative progressive” who keeps evolving one’s own philosophy.
  • Everything is a fractal. In this context, thought is the most important fractal.
  • We need experiments. Don’t take my ideas as a one size fits all system. 
  • Only accept and share this work if it is: logical, pragmatic, beneficial, and reasonable. 
  • Please remember the limits of language – written, spoken, and even non-verbal. 
  • Humans do not solely think in words/math/colors or forms… its seems to me that thoughts are a combination of all the above including emotions that have vectors and contextual landscapes that are unique to each mind at any one point in time. 
  • Though the previous point is a serious challenge, to partially solve this, over time I will use a multi-media showcase & multiple languages (new problem: lost in translation?) to deliver my message. 

Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.

Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • As Chris Hedges writes in Empire of Illusion
“Plato feared the power of entertainment, the power of the senses to overthrow the mind, the power of emotion to obliterate reason.” (P.14)

“We are a culture that has been denied, or has passively given up, the linguistic and intellectual tools to cope with complexity, to separate illusion from reality. We have traded the printed word for the gleaming image. Public rhetoric is designed to be comprehensible to a ten-year-old child or an adult with a sixth-grade reading level.” (P.44) 

“It forgot that the true purpose of education is to make minds, not careers.” (P.107)

“The more we sever ourselves from a literate, print-based world, a world of complexity and nuance, a world of ideas, for one informed by comforting, reassuring images, fantasies, slogans, celebrities, and a lust for violence, the more we are destined to implode.” (P.189)
  • So, here is my effort to return to the printed word though with pitfalls and gaps that will require the reader to take leaps of intellectual faith and maybe even venture out for themselves into the great unknown, experience and explore. 
  • Remember that all is: a relative bilanz.
  • Finally, I ask you to think. Have a discussion with someone you find here (world of bits) or in your physical community and see if you can question the current status quo & challenge the assumptions we take for granted. 
  • Please reach out to me via Twitter or email (newsletter(@)jasonjames.xyz) if you want to discuss and question anything I wrote.
  • You can find all essays on Mirror here & all flowing thoughts here.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.

Albert Einstein